
Platforms: Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum

Genres: Hack and slash/Beat 'em up

Themes: Action

Keywords: modern warfare, modern military and advanced tactical fighter

Perspective: Side view

Developer: Zafiro



The game consists of three phases: The town, the forest, the fortress, which will be loaded sequentially as we finish the previous one, it has a smooth up-down and right-left scroll that we will observe with the demands of our protagonist. Our protagonist will be able to move up, down, left, right and their respective diagonals, he will be able to defend himself with punches, kicks, blows to the neck and the deadly ax blows.In each of the phases our hero will have to eliminate all the Krull enemies, with an incredible ability not to be slaughtered.Our energy will decrease with each hit we receive and we will have three initial lives that will be added to those we receive during the game.



Games similar to Atrog