Back From Hell

Rating: 88.5%

Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows) and Mac

Genres: Role-playing (RPG)

Themes: Action, Open world and Mystery

Keywords: zombies, helicopter, bloody, disease, murder, shark, metroidvania, 1990s, death, female protagonist, action-adventure, multiple protagonists, backtracking, multiple endings, undead, mutants, special forces, conspiracy, snake, survival horror, dog, high score, resurrection, hunter, darkness, boss fight, fixed camera, explosion, digital distribution, spider, alternate costumes, character select screen, game title announcer, polygonal 3d, multiple storylines, full motion video, non-player character, extreme violence, profanity, corpse, save point, treasure chest, moral decisions, pick your gender, branching storyline, auto-aim, melee, real-time combat, male antagonist, difficulty level, jump scare moment, inconvenient malfunction, mercenary, violent plants, no hud, interactive environments, wii classic controller support, villain, recurring boss, sadism, item combination, pacifist playthrough, motion capture animation, particle system, plot twist, evil organization, sideways wii remote gameplay, tokyo game show 2014, ambient music, gore system, lock picking, surprising character switches, character models based on actual people, working for the enemy, severed limbs, innocent people die, close quarters combat, contextual controller rumble, false death, pre-rendered backgrounds, real-time over pre-rendered movies, greatest hits, diary pages, tank controls, isolation, gamecube controller support on wii, buddy system, zombie virus, double agent, elevator music and male protagonist

Perspective: Bird view / Isometric

Developer: Photoplay Games

Back From Hell


Back From Hell will launch on Kickstarter on the 1st of November 2016. From Hell is an upcoming CRPG puzzle/adventure game set in two worlds: a 15th Century Spanish hilltop town and a journey to the depths of Hell and back again. The player in this photorealistic 2.5D game will fight for the injustice his family has suffered, battling his way in the underworld, and taking decisions which could possibly lead to devastating consequences.In both worlds you will encounter a unique cast of fully voiced characters that bring the world of Back From Hell to life, all interactions and your subsequent decisions will have weight and impact. Conversations will be critical to solving many multiple first and third person puzzles and present the player with many difficult ethical choices as the game evolves. Back From Hell will also have a complex action RPG combat system, with multiple weapons and magical abilities to help you dispatch a wide array of enemies.Like Sierra's classic Quest for Glory series, Back From Hell merges classic computer role playing game mechanics with point and click adventure style puzzles and exploration. You'll face challenging environmental puzzles in the vein of MYST. Like Planescape: Torment and Age of Decadence the player interacts with NPCs in complex branching dialogue trees where every choice has consequences. Many quests and puzzles have multiple solutions which may affect the characters and game world and ultimately determine the player character's fate.


Back From HellBack From HellBack From HellBack From HellBack From Hell

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