Campaign 1814

Rating: 79%

Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows)

Genres: Turn-based strategy (TBS)

Themes: Historical

Keywords: retro, procedural generation and futuristic

Perspective: Bird view / Isometric

Developer: Lapovich Team

Publisher: 1C Entertainment

Campaign 1814


Play as field commanders of the Allied legions: either Napoleon, Emperor of the French and King of Italy, or as Schwarzenberg and Blcher. With over four hundred scenarios, and more than ten campaigns, all of the major actions of the 1814 Campaign in northwest France are covered in detail. Units such as the Gendarmes d'Espanol and the Baden Guard Grenadiers have been added to the 1813-14 inventory for the players to command.Come experience the drama of the campaign as your men shiver in the cold waiting for your next command. Will you, as Napoleon, keep your throne, or will you as the Allied commanders, march victoriously into Paris? The choice is yours as you ride off into destiny!


Campaign 1814Campaign 1814Campaign 1814Campaign 1814Campaign 1814

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