Colin McRae Rally 04

Platforms: Legacy Mobile Device

Genres: Racing

Themes: Action

Keywords: rally, arcade racers and old mobile game

Perspective: Bird view / Isometric

Publisher: Synergenix Interactive

Colin McRae Rally 04


This mobile version of Colin McRae Rally 04 is a racing game played from a birds view perspective. It contains five stages that are unlocked by finishing first in each race. There are three cars which are unlocked by winning complete rallies. Between the races the car can be set up and enhanced by spending points in three categories: handling, acceleration and top speed. If the car takes damage from collisions during the race it can be repaired at the end of a stage. The game uses simple controls that are limited to accelerating, reversing and steering left and right.


Colin McRae Rally 04Colin McRae Rally 04Colin McRae Rally 04Colin McRae Rally 04

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