Commander Keen in Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter!

Rating: 79.7%

Platforms: DOS

Genres: Platform

Themes: Science fiction

Keywords: side-scrolling, pixel art, high score, explosion, anthropomorphism, platform exclusive, world map, collectibles, young protagonist, grapple, difficulty level, video game characters that play video games, moving platforms, invented language, hidden room, alien languages and male protagonist

Perspective: Side view

Developer: id Software

Publisher: FormGen

Commander Keen in Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter!


A mean bunch of hungry aliens have your babysitter and they're planning to make her their main course. Now it's up to you, as Billy's alter ego Commander Keen, to climb into your homemade Megarocket and save her. Or risk explaining what happened to your parents. The only question is: Can you complete your mission before dinnertime?


Commander Keen in Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter!Commander Keen in Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter!Commander Keen in Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter!Commander Keen in Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter!Commander Keen in Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter!Commander Keen in Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter!

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