Craft Fighter

Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows) and Mac

Genres: Fighting

Themes: Action

Keywords: 2d and pixel art

Perspective: Side view

Developer: CubixGames

Craft Fighter


CraftFighter Game features many of your favorite Minecraft characters, monsters, and critters as playable fighter characters, each with their own suite of special moves! Built using the Craft Studio game-building engine developed by Elise this highly polished game will entertain you for endless hours, even as you prove once and for all among your friends who is the superior fighter! Not too hot on the idea of fighting other players? Not a problem, the game features a single-player mode as well!


Craft FighterCraft FighterCraft FighterCraft FighterCraft FighterCraft FighterCraft FighterCraft FighterCraft FighterCraft FighterCraft Fighter

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