Deathwish Enforcers

Platforms: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 5

Genres: Shooter, Adventure and Arcade

Themes: Action

Keywords: crime

Perspective: Side view

Developer: Monster Bath Studios

Deathwish Enforcers


Its the 1970s and crime is running rampant! Join the Deathwish Enforcers squad and take crime down a notch! One to four-player single screen cooperative action! Meet happy hookers, flashers and drug dealers! Invade porn shoots, satanic rituals and volcanic evil lairs! Stop the evil syndicate at all costs!


Deathwish EnforcersDeathwish EnforcersDeathwish EnforcersDeathwish EnforcersDeathwish EnforcersDeathwish EnforcersDeathwish EnforcersDeathwish EnforcersDeathwish Enforcers

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