EyeToy: Operation Spy

Platforms: PlayStation 2

Genres: Adventure

Themes: Action

Keywords: espionage, eyetoy support and played without touching a controller

Perspective: Third person

Developer: London Studio

Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment

EyeToy: Operation Spy


Use the EyeToy camera to play out the role of a spy. Mission include stealthy sky diving, code breaking, face matching, and more.The main objective of the game is to guard a room from an intruder. Unique features include new face recognition technology, new video messaging, and interactive missions. If an intruder is caught, the next time the player returns to the room they can watch the recorded video of who came in. The concept for EyeToy: Operation Spy was derived from a game within EyeToy: Play 2, which also had similar security features.


EyeToy: Operation SpyEyeToy: Operation Spy

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