Far Cry 2

Rating: 72.3%

Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360

Genres: Shooter and Adventure

Themes: Action, Stealth, Sandbox and Open world

Keywords: modern warfare, helicopter, vehicular combat, hunting, bloody, disease, murder, drugs, photography, roguelike, first person shooter, fps, death, permadeath, run and gun, chicken, goat, flight, steam, multiple protagonists, bird, achievements, online, artificial intelligence, jungle, camera, africa, sequel, silent protagonist, swimming, day/night cycle, playstation network, airplane, one-man army, darkness, user generated content, vehicle combat, death match, digital distribution, xbox controller support for pc, zebra, playstation trophies, rivaling factions, modern military, character select screen, voice acting, bink video, polygonal 3d, mission briefing, pop culture reference, unlockables, motion blur, wasd movement, non-player character, profanity, fake in-game advertising, corpse, tape recorder, save point, playstation plus, sniping, downloadable content, melee, kill feed, real-time combat, useable vehicles, a.i. companion, in-game map editor, instant kill, friendly fire, betrayal, vision obstruction, difficulty level, quicksaving, quickloading, audio logs, mercenary, randomly generated maps, digital rights management, destructible environment, rebels, theft, no hud, dart, licensed cars, changing sides, gamersgate, sleeping, suicide, disorientation, games on demand, realism, car accident, high definition graphics, dynamic soundtrack, plot twist, team deathmatch, stealth kill, unskippable tutorial, guerilla warfare, banter during gameplay, gliding, regenerating health, dedicated servers, new protagonist in sequel, scripted events, zero to hero, working for the enemy, journalist, guided by radio, in-game advertising, escaping imprisonment, waking up captured, private military company, context sensitive, disc streaming, optional objective, close quarters combat, developer commentary, behind the waterfall, point of no return, conquest mode, playstation home tie-in, persistent enemy, no wrong choice, carjacking, steelbook, bounty hunting, product placement, dark second act, greatest hits, collection marathon, surgery in game, stealth camouflage, pc to console port, anti-cheat system, sixaxis support, buddy system, neutral, e3 2008, pax 2008, tokyo game show 2008, securom, immersive, ps3 and male protagonist

Perspective: First person

Developer: Ubisoft Montreal

Far Cry 2


A civil war has swept through the country and you're caught in the middle of it. Track down the person at the forefront of the fighting, a ruthless arms dealer known only as "The Jackal". As you undertake deadly missions and form fragile alliances with conflicting rebel groups, one thing becomes clear - the Jackal is hunting you too.


Far Cry 2Far Cry 2Far Cry 2Far Cry 2Far Cry 2

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