Far Cry Instincts: Predator

Rating: 70%

Platforms: Xbox 360

Genres: Shooter

Themes: Action

Keywords: modern warfare, helicopter, bloody, first person shooter, death, achievements, mutants, online, mad scientist, user generated content, explosion, throwing weapons, split-screen multiplayer, platform exclusive, modern military, voice acting, bink video, polygonal 3d, collectibles, profanity, checkpoints, xbox live, useable vehicles, in-game map editor, instant kill, difficulty level, destructible environment, leaderboard, anti-hero, difficulty achievement, games on demand, high definition graphics, dolby digital, multiplayer lan, stealth kill, guerilla warfare, voice chat, splash damage, scripted events, dual wielding, escaping imprisonment, ranked match and achievement hitching

Perspective: First person

Developer: Ubisoft Montreal

Far Cry Instincts: Predator


Far Cry Instincts: Predator, a Xbox 360 title, was released March 27, 2006. Predator is a graphically enhanced version of both Far Cry Instincts and Far Cry Instincts: Evolution.


Far Cry Instincts: PredatorFar Cry Instincts: PredatorFar Cry Instincts: PredatorFar Cry Instincts: PredatorFar Cry Instincts: PredatorFar Cry Instincts: PredatorFar Cry Instincts: PredatorFar Cry Instincts: Predator

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