
Rating: 30%

Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

Genres: Shooter and Adventure

Themes: Action, Horror and Comedy

Keywords: ghosts, based on - movie, nudity, 8-bit, licensed game, broken english, useable vehicles, cheat code, tie-in, ghostbusting and impossible 100% completion

Perspective: Bird view / Isometric

Developer: FireForge Games

Publisher: Activision



Ghostbusters, is a third-person action role-playing game positively charged for thrilling couch co-op with up to four players locally. As rookie Ghostbusters, players can level up their characters gear and abilities by tackling objectives, defeating ghastly creatures and discovering hidden collectibles in Manhattans most haunted haunts. There are four heroes to choose from, and each has his or her own unique personality and play style, bringing special strengths to support the team.



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