Guitar Hero II

Rating: 83.7%

Platforms: PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360

Genres: Music

Themes: Party

Keywords: guitar playing, achievements, high score, music and rhythm, split-screen multiplayer, game critics awards, ranking system, shopping, game reference, licensed soundtrack, party system, unlockables, pick your gender, downloadable content, difficulty level, internet culture reference, peripherals, musical peripherals, bundled with peripherals, rock music, cheat code, leaderboard, musicians, developer commentary, retroactive achievements, easy mode and lag calibration

Perspective: Auditory

Developer: Harmonix Music Systems

Publisher: Activision;RedOctane

Guitar Hero II


Unleash your inner rock star! Unlock new songs and venues to become the ultimate rock star in Career mode, jump right in and play any song you've unlocked in Quickplay, or play with or against friends in Multiplayer, all right from your living room!


Guitar Hero IIGuitar Hero IIGuitar Hero II

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