Low Light Combat

Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows)

Genres: Shooter and Indie

Themes: Action

Keywords: fps and arena shooter

Perspective: First person

Developer: Wolfire Games

Low Light Combat


Low Light Combat is a free competitive multiplayer shooter where light is your only weapon. Matches take place during a rapidly changing day and night cycle, meaning your fast paced fights quickly become tense and thrilling battles of wit. In LLC, your health, ammo, and stamina are all tied to a single resource: Time. That means everything from firing your weapon and taking damage, to sprinting and shining your flashlight will all deplete your time. To replenish your time you must either defeat other players, or touch the reactor found in the middle of the map. But you must act fast because time... is fleeting.


Low Light CombatLow Light CombatLow Light CombatLow Light CombatLow Light Combat

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