Magnet Crusher

Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows), Android and iOS

Genres: Indie and Arcade

Themes: Action

Keywords: 3d and difficult

Perspective: Bird view / Isometric

Developer: ToccGames

Magnet Crusher


Use your magnets to control your puck and send it onto your enemies to blast them.You can either master the magnetic forces, keep your momentum and destroy any incoming threat, or fail to keep up the pace and perish. Good luck!Remember, brute strength won't help you here. Use the pulling force of the magnets to dodge, weave and gain distance until you can project yourself into the enemies and destroy them. Thankfully, you have some other tools at your disposal: special abilities that you can unlock and use regularly to help you against the waves of foes.


Magnet CrusherMagnet CrusherMagnet CrusherMagnet CrusherMagnet CrusherMagnet CrusherMagnet Crusher

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