Mega Man 3

Rating: 80.6%

Platforms: Wii, Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, Arcade and Family Computer

Genres: Platform and Adventure

Themes: Action and Science fiction

Keywords: mascot, death, robots, doctor, flight, side-scrolling, pixel art, teleportation, sequel, level selection, mad scientist, high score, 8-bit, darkness, boss fight, explosion, floating blocks, robot dog, protagonist's name in the title, psone classics, transforming boss, virtual console, checkpoints, robot protagonist, underwater gameplay, asymmetric co-op, playstation tv support, falling sequence, cheat code, moving platforms, villain, recurring boss, multiple enemy boss fights, jumping puzzle, on-site procurement, falling object, fictional currencies, monomyth, year x, contest-driven development, male protagonist, wii virtual console, nintendo 3ds virtual console and wii u virtual console

Perspective: Side view

Developer: Capcom

Mega Man 3


It's robot rebellion, and nobody's safe! Least of all, Mega Man! This time the superpowerful cyborg takes on a horde of metal maniacs who've had it with being obedient! And they use every android-annihilator ever invented to make you believe it! Mega Man goes berserk, blasting through a galaxy of mining stations in search of energy crystals. But it takes more than guts to battle the phenomenal robot masters who control these worlds. It's a wrenching job, the worst - and the best - that Mega Man's faced so far!


Mega Man 3Mega Man 3Mega Man 3Mega Man 3Mega Man 3Mega Man 3Mega Man 3

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