Neo Berlin 2087

Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S

Genres: Shooter, Role-playing (RPG) and Adventure

Themes: Action, Science fiction, Thriller, Stealth and Mystery

Keywords: cyberpunk, detective, police, dystopian, cinematic, narrative-driven, betrayal, friendship and cyberpunk rpg

Perspective: First person and Third person

Developer: Elysium Game Studio

Neo Berlin 2087


Neo Berlin 2087, previously known as "Shadow of Conspiracy: Section 2" is a narrative-driven, third- and first-person action role-playing game, combining shooter and stealth mechanics in challenging combat sequences.Here, players get to experience a completely unique setting in a dystopian, future vision of Berlin, 2087 as they investigate a police chiefs murder; find a missing girl whos a key to solving that puzzle, and embody Nolan - an elite cop with a mysterious past, uncovering a far-reaching conspiracy.This deep, cinematic detective thriller puts the players mind, body and soul to the test as they deal with themes like guilt, love, friendship, sacrifice and betrayal.


Neo Berlin 2087Neo Berlin 2087Neo Berlin 2087Neo Berlin 2087Neo Berlin 2087Neo Berlin 2087

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