
Rating: 70%

Platforms: Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows) and Mac

Genres: Shooter, Indie and Arcade

Themes: Action and Science fiction

Keywords: bloody, first person shooter, open-source, run and gun, online, freeware, artificial intelligence, quake, arena shooter, capture the flag, teleportation, tournament, clan, death match, anthropomorphism, customization, polygonal 3d, wasd movement, underwater gameplay, mod support, weapons swap, team deathmatch, kill streak, regenerating health, splash damage, dedicated servers, invisibility, bots, heal over time, future sport, strafe-jumping, professional gaming and custom ui

Perspective: First person and Third person

Developer: Alientrap Games Inc



Nexuiz is a fast-paced quake-like fps developed and published by Alientrap in 2005



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