The Shrouded Parchments

Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S

Genres: Role-playing (RPG) and Adventure

Themes: Action

Keywords: adult, nudity, nsfw and sexual content

Perspective: Third person

Developer: Satur Entertainment

Publisher: Sometimes You

The Shrouded Parchments


Arise, lowly foreigner, and embark on an epic quest! Unravel the mysteries of this fantasy world, slay the monster that threatens to crumble it, and save it from its own destruction. Or, if you're feeling more ambitious, profit from its collapse.


The Shrouded ParchmentsThe Shrouded ParchmentsThe Shrouded ParchmentsThe Shrouded ParchmentsThe Shrouded ParchmentsThe Shrouded ParchmentsThe Shrouded ParchmentsThe Shrouded ParchmentsThe Shrouded ParchmentsThe Shrouded ParchmentsThe Shrouded ParchmentsThe Shrouded ParchmentsThe Shrouded ParchmentsThe Shrouded ParchmentsThe Shrouded Parchments

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