Vulcanology: The MiniSeries Collection

Rating: 61%

Platforms: Amiga

Genres: Racing, Simulator, Strategy and Adventure

Themes: Action

Keywords: aliens, motorcycle, exploration, mech, metroidvania, death, robots android, abandonware, flight, action-adventure, side-scrolling, overworld, psychic abilities, backtracking, apocalypse, traps, artificial intelligence, tank, survival horror, silent protagonist, 8-bit, explosion, mission briefing, save point, faceless protagonist, useable vehicles, vertical scrolling, vending machine interaction, respawning, floating island, fetch quests, super strength, planet, ancient advanced civilization technology, in-game e-mail, verticality, god mode, escape from exploding building, warping, missile launcher, hostile a.i., extinction, armageddon, isolation, collective conciousness and male protagonist

Perspective: Side view

Developer: Vulcan Software

Vulcanology: The MiniSeries Collection


The Vulcanology CD contains the entire MiniSeries collection of 10 floppy games.


Vulcanology: The MiniSeries CollectionVulcanology: The MiniSeries CollectionVulcanology: The MiniSeries Collection

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