XWing Fighter

Rating: 80%

Platforms: DOS

Genres: Arcade

Themes: Action and Science fiction

Keywords: onomatopoeia in title

Perspective: Bird view / Isometric

Publisher: International PC Owners

XWing Fighter


In XWing Fighter you need to pilot an X Wing aircraft in an attack on the Death Star, re-enacting the scene from the first Star Wars movie. There is a small unshielded exhaust port which you must hit directly with a torpedo. As you approach the death star numerous imperial fighters and Darth Vader himself will try to stop you. Your fighter is equipped with lasers to fight the imperial fighters and Darth Vader, and three torpedoes to use against the death star. The mission fails if you miss the death star with all three torpedoes or are destroyed by a fighter.


XWing FighterXWing FighterXWing FighterXWing FighterXWing FighterXWing FighterXWing FighterXWing Fighter

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